A Healing Experience
A TELEPHONE CALL I’LL NEVER FORGET During the early and mid 1990’s I was helping to manage the national communications center in Britain for the Transcendental Meditation® mov... More
A TELEPHONE CALL I’LL NEVER FORGET During the early and mid 1990’s I was helping to manage the national communications center in Britain for the Transcendental Meditation® mov... More
What is a Spiritual Retreat? I always thought of a spiritual retreat as something that takes place in a convent or monastery – I suppose because when I felt I needed this experie... More
AND WHAT ARE “HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS”? Every person nowadays has the ability to experience three states of consciousness every day. These three states of cons... More
This blog will highlight the specialities of the Mother Divine Program, including knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness, news and updates, and other inspiring... More